Monday, February 21, 2011

Beautiful Creation

Molded in your hands, I am.
Shaped to your perfection,
My body curved by the will of your hand
In every direction.

Taking very special care,
You counted out the hairs on my head,
And you carved out my mouth,
Painting my lips a subtle red.

You put the dimples in my cheeks,
And the color in my eyes.
Measured out my forehead,
Made my nose the perfect size.

You squeezed my hands into form
By holding them in your own,
Making me in your image,
You promised to never leave me alone.

You gave my hips their curve,
 Pulled out my legs and feet,
And prepared the way for me to go,
 For the world I was to meet

Then You lit the fire of your love inside me,
Excited to watch me grow.
You waited for me to accept your son,
And Right on time, you finally led me to know:
How beautiful your creation is.
How much you love me so.
How brilliant it will be, when I return home.

Even though I may not understand it at first,
You will give me all the love you’ve got,
And carry me through my worst.

For, You sent me a savior,
That shed his blood to forgive,
Just so You can be certain
That your immaculate creation will live.

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